Physics B.A. - Concentration: Secondary Education

The Secondary Education concentration mirrors the general concentration but also includes seven additional courses in education. A graduate of this program will be eligible for Pennsylvania teacher certification in physics for grades 7-12 (dependent on grade point average and qualifying score on teacher examination).

Contact person: Robert Cohen

Program Features

91 credits

Required major core courses:

PHYS 161GN: Physics I

4 credits

PHYS 162GE: Physics II

4 credits

PHYS 261Physics III

3 credits

PHYS 333Advanced Physics Lab I

3 credits

PHYS 361Physics IV

3 credits

PHYS 495Senior Capstone

3 credits

nine additional credits in Physics 300-level or above.



PHYS 405The Development of Modern Physical Science

3 credits

Co-requisite courses:

CHEM 121GN: General Chemistry I

3 credits

CHEM 123GN: General Chemistry I Lab

1 credit

MATH 140GN: Calculus I

4 credits

MATH 141GN: Calculus II

4 credits

MATH 240Multivariate Calculus

4 credits

Additional co-requisite courses:

BIOL 114GN: Introductory Biology I

4 credits

CHEM 124GE: General Chemistry II

3 credits

CHEM 126GE: General Chemistry II Lab

1 credit

one CPSC course or its equivalent chosen with the consent of the adviser

PSED 150Introduction to Teaching All Students

6 credits

PSED 250The Psychology of Learners In Diverse Communities

3 credits

PSED 420Seminar in Secondary Education I: Instructional Structures and Strategies

3 credits

PSED 421Seminar in Secondary Education II: Teaching Secondary Students In Diverse, Inclusive Classroom

3 credits

PSED 430Student Teaching in Secondary Education/ Middle School/Junior High School

6 credits

PSED 431Student Teaching in Secondary Education/ Senior High School

6 credits

PSED 446Teaching of Science in the Secondary Schools

3 credits

REED 350Teaching Reading to Communities of Diverse Learners

3 credits

SPED 350Assessment of Student Learning and Behavior in Diverse Communities

3 credits

PHYS 499Student Teaching Internship

1 credit

Please refer to the section The College of Education (p. 57) in this catalog for specific requirements for admission into teacher education programs.


CMST 111GN: Introduction to Communication

3 credits


GEOG 120GN: Physical Geography

3 credits


GEOG 121GN: Physical Geology

3 credits

Additional requirements:

  • A minimum of a “C-” must be attained in each of the required courses and cognate courses.
  • A minimum of 9 credits 300-level or above must be taken at East Stroudsburg University.


4 Year Curriculum Program Plan (Secondary Education)

(Subject to change by the university without notice)

Freshman Year


CPSC XXXComputer Science Elective

3 credits

FYE 100University Studies

3 credits

PHYS 101GN: Physical Science - Force, Matter and Energy

3 credits

GenEd ___General Education Elective (Group A)

3 credits

ENGL 103English Composition

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:16

  • If MATH 135 (Pre-Calculus) is needed, it should be taken the first semester.  An extra General Education course would then be needed, usually scheduled during the summer.
  • Group A General Education Elective: CMST 111 (Speech Communication) is recommended.


ENGL ___General Education Elective - Group A (2nd English)

3 credits

MATH 140GN: Calculus I

4 credits

GenEd ___General Education Elective (Group C)

3 credits

PSED 150Introduction to Teaching All Students

6 credits

Total Credit Hours:16
  • Group C General Education Elective: GEOG 120 (Physical Geography) or GEOG 121 (Physical Geology) are recommended.
  • Sophomore Year


    PSED 250The Psychology of Learners In Diverse Communities

    3 credits

    PHYS 161GN: Physics I

    4 credits

    MATH 141GN: Calculus II

    4 credits

    CHEM 121GN: General Chemistry I

    3 credits

    CHEM 123GN: General Chemistry I Lab

    1 credit

    HPLW 105Health Promotion and Lifetime Wellness

    3 credits

    Total Credit Hours:18


    PHYS 162GE: Physics II

    4 credits

    MATH 240Multivariate Calculus

    4 credits

    CHEM 124GE: General Chemistry II

    3 credits

    CHEM 126GE: General Chemistry II Lab

    1 credit

    GenEd ___General Education Elective (Group C)

    3 credits

    Total Credit Hours:15

    Junior Year


    SPED 350Assessment of Student Learning and Behavior in Diverse Communities

    3 credits

    PHYS 333Advanced Physics Lab I

    3 credits

    PHYS 261Physics III

    3 credits

    GenEd ___General Education Elective (Group A)

    3 credits

    BIOL 114GN: Introductory Biology I

    4 credits

    Total Credit Hours:16


    PSED 420Seminar in Secondary Education I: Instructional Structures and Strategies

    3 credits

    REED 350Teaching Reading to Communities of Diverse Learners

    3 credits

    PHYS 361Physics IV

    3 credits

    GenEd ___General Education Elective (Group C)

    3 credits

    PHYS 495Senior Capstone

    3 credits

    PHYS ___Physics Elective

    3 credits

    Total Credit Hours:16

    Senior Year


    PSED 421Seminar in Secondary Education II: Teaching Secondary Students In Diverse, Inclusive Classroom

    3 credits

    PSED 446Teaching of Science in the Secondary Schools

    3 credits

    PHYS ___Physics Elective

    3 credits

    PHYS ___Physics Elective

    3 credits

    GenEd ___General Education Elective (Group A)

    3 credits

    GenEd ___General Education Elective (Group C)

    3 credits

    Total Credit Hours:18


    PSED 430Student Teaching in Secondary Education/ Middle School/Junior High School

    6 credits

    PSED 431Student Teaching in Secondary Education/ Senior High School

    6 credits

    PHYS 499Student Teaching Internship

    1 credit

    Total Credit Hours:13

    • Total Credit Hours:  127
    • For more information, contact Program Coordinator Robert Cohen at 570-422-3428 or email