In order to qualify for graduation honors, a student must have completed at least 45 credits at East Stroudsburg University. These 45 credits can be accrued through any course, internship and/or field placement including student teaching in which a letter grade is assigned  (A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D or E) or a satisfactory grade is ascribed. The check for the 45-credit minimum includes in-progress courses during the student’s graduation semester. The check for the student’s cumulative grade point average is based on all graded coursework.


Students who have the appropriate cumulative grade point average at the time the honors designation is determined, and who will have met the 45-credit minimum once the final semester is completed, will be granted graduation honors as follows:


Summa Cum Laude       Cumulative grade point average 3.80 or above

Magna Cum Laude        Cumulative grade point average 3.60 to 3.799

Cum Laude                  Cumulative grade point average 3.40 to 3.599


Graduation honors for the publication of the Commencement Program are based on all graded and in-progress coursework at East Stroudsburg University by the deadline dates below. Please note that graded courseswork contains final grades and not midterm grades.


  • March 15 of the academic year for spring and summer graduation or
  • November 1 for fall  and winter graduation.


The official university transcript will carry the final honors designation based on all finalized grades completed at the university and the outcome of the final graduation clearance.