Program Features

59 credits

Required courses

PETE 100Fundamental Content Knowledge in Physical Education

2 credits

PETE 124Fundamental Movement Activities

1 credit

PETE 125Introduction to Sport Games

1 credit

PETE 220Physical Conditioning

1 credit

PETE 253Aquatics

1 credit

PETE 308Impacting the Whole Person through Experiential Education

3 credits

PETE 309Teaching Games for Understanding

1 credit

PETE 310Pedagogical Content Knowledge for Elementary Physical Education

3 credits

PETE 343Analysis of Teaching Physical Education

2 credits

PETE 344Motor Learning and Development

3 credits

PETE 345Adapted Physical Education

3 credits

PETE 400Physical Education Teaching and Assessing Strategies

3 credits

PETE 440Physical Education Student Teaching

3 - 12 credits

PETE 442Movement Experiences for Secondary Education

1 credit

PETE 445Organization and Administration of Physical Education

2 credits

PETE 499Student Teaching Internship

1 credit

Corequisite courses

EXSC 203Kinesiology - Mechanical Analysis

3 credits

EXSC 310Exercise Physiology I

3 credits

PSED 150Introduction to Teaching All Students

6 credits

PSED 250The Psychology of Learners In Diverse Communities

3 credits

BIOL 116GE: Human Anatomy and Physiology I for the Health Sciences

3 credits

BIOL 117Human Anatomy and Physiology I Laboratory for the Health Sciences

1 credit

CMST 111GN: Introduction to Communication

3 credits

DANC 111GN: World Dance

3 credits

PSY 100GN: General Psychology

3 credits

SOC 111GN: Introduction to Sociology

3 credits

ENGL 274Diversity in Literature

3 credits

and 6 credits of MATH

4 Year Curriculum Program Plan

(Subject to change by the university without notice)

Freshman Year


ENGL 103English Composition

3 credits

PSED 150Introduction to Teaching All Students

6 credits

PETE 100Fundamental Content Knowledge in Physical Education

2 credits

PETE XXXPETE Activity Course

1 credit

HLTH 230Community Health

3 credits

GenEd ____General Education Elective

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:18

(PETE 100 is taught in the Fall only)



ENGL 1XXEnglish Literature

3 credits


3 credits

PSY 100GN: General Psychology

3 credits

PETE Activity Course 100 level

1 credit

HLTH 220Personal and Consumer Health

3 credits

PSED 250The Psychology of Learners In Diverse Communities

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:16


Summer Class

GenEd ____General Education elective

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:3

Sophomore Year


BIOL 116GE: Human Anatomy and Physiology I for the Health Sciences

3 credits


BIOL 117Human Anatomy and Physiology I Laboratory for the Health Sciences

1 credit


3 credits

HLTH 210Foundations of Health Science

3 credits

REED 350Teaching Reading to Communities of Diverse Learners

3 credits

GenEd ____General Education elective

3 credits

PETE Activity Course 200 level

1 credit

Total Credit Hours:17



PETE Activity Course 200 level

1 credit

GenEd ____General Education Elective

3 credits

GenEd ____General Education Elective

3 credits

GenEd ____General Education Elective

3 credits

HLTH 240Health Emergencies

3 credits

EXSC 203Kinesiology - Mechanical Analysis

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:16


Summer Class

GenEd ____General Education elective

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:3

Junior Year


EXSC 310Exercise Physiology I

3 credits

PETE 308Impacting the Whole Person through Experiential Education

3 credits

GenEd ____General Education elective

3 credits

GenEd ____General Education Elective

3 credits

HLTH 310Family Health Education

3 credits

HLTH 341Nutrition Education

1.5 credits

HLTH 356Drug and Alcohol Teacher Preparation

1.5 credits

Total Credit Hours:18

HLTH 310, HLTH 341, HLTH 356: (Fall Only)

Retention Standards

Praxis II: Fundamental Subjects: Content Knowledge (#5511) pre-requisite to PETE 400/HLTH 461

Praxis II: Renew Act 34, Act 114-FBI fingerprinting, Act 151, Apply to student teach.


GenEd ____General Education elective

3 credits

PETE 309Teaching Games for Understanding

1 credit

PETE 310Pedagogical Content Knowledge for Elementary Physical Education

3 credits

PETE 343Analysis of Teaching Physical Education

2 credits

PETE 344Motor Learning and Development

3 credits

PETE 345Adapted Physical Education

3 credits

HLTH 350Promoting Emotional Well-Being

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:18

PETE 309, 310, 343, 344, 345: Students must be screened into the HPE major prior to registering for these PETE courses.

Senior Year


PETE 400Physical Education Teaching and Assessing Strategies

3 credits

PETE 442Movement Experiences for Secondary Education

1 credit

HLTH 365School Health Programs

3 credits

HLTH 461Methods in Health Education

3 credits

HLTH 462Assessment in School Health Education

3 credits

GenEd ____General Education elective

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:16

PETE 400: Renew Act 34, Act 114-FBI fingerprinting, Act 151, Apply to student teach.


PETE 440Physical Education Student Teaching

3 - 12 credits

HLTH 431Student Teaching in Health Education

5 - 12 credits

HLTH 499School Health Education Internship

1 credits

PETE 445Organization and Administration of Physical Education

2 credits

Total Credit Hours:14


For more information, contact the department at 570-422-3293 or visit Zimbar-Liljenstein Hall