Program Features

57 Credits

Required core courses:

DMET 105Introduction to Digital Photography

3 credits

DMET 110Introduction to Motion Media

3 credits

DMET 140Media Theories and Practices

3 credits

DMET 155Introduction to Web Design

3 credits

DMET 160Introduction to Multimedia

3 credits

DMET 210Television: Studio Production

3 credits

DMET 230Sound Recording

3 credits

DMET 255Desktop Publishing for Graphics & Web

3 credits

DMET 440Law and Ethics In Media

3 credits

DMET 495Seminar in Digital Media Technologies

3 credits

and EITHER 12 credits of DMET 486 OR 12 credits in 300/400 level DMET courses in addition to those already included in the core and track requirements (3 of these 12 credits may be replaced with 300/400 level non-DMET courses, with adviser approval).


CMST 111GN: Introduction to Communication

3 credits


CMST 253GN: Public Speaking

3 credits


PSY 100GN: General Psychology

3 credits


PSY 101GN: Introduction to Psychology

3 credits


SOC 111GN: Introduction to Sociology

3 credits

(These courses will be Directed General Education.)

One of the following Tracks:

Photography Track:


DMET 205Photography: Wildlife and Nature

3 credits

DMET 305Intermediate Digital Photo

3 credits

DMET 405Commercial Photography

3 credits

and any two of
DMET 310TV: Studio Production II

3 credits

DMET 315Electronic Field Production

3 credits

DMET 318New Media Technologies

3 credits

DMET 350Media Graphics and Designs

3 credits

DMET 355Advanced Web Design

3 credits

DMET 410Advanced Digital Production

3 credits

DMET 464Digital Media and Technology Projects

Semester hours arranged

DMET 477Interactive Media and Social Media

3 credits

DMET 478Introduction to Interactive 3D

3 credits

Video and Television Track:


DMET 310TV: Studio Production II

3 credits

DMET 315Electronic Field Production

3 credits

DMET 410Advanced Digital Production

3 credits

and any two of
DMET 305Intermediate Digital Photo

3 credits

DMET 318New Media Technologies

3 credits

DMET 350Media Graphics and Designs

3 credits

DMET 355Advanced Web Design

3 credits

DMET 405Commercial Photography

3 credits

DMET 464Digital Media and Technology Projects

Semester hours arranged

DMET 477Interactive Media and Social Media

3 credits

DMET 478Introduction to Interactive 3D

3 credits

Graphics and Web Design Track:

DMET 350Media Graphics and Designs

3 credits

DMET 355Advanced Web Design

3 credits

DMET 375Imaging Technology

3 credits

and any two of:
DMET 305Intermediate Digital Photo

3 credits

DMET 310TV: Studio Production II

3 credits

DMET 315Electronic Field Production

3 credits

DMET 318New Media Technologies

3 credits

DMET 405Commercial Photography

3 credits

DMET 410Advanced Digital Production

3 credits

DMET 464Digital Media and Technology Projects

Semester hours arranged

DMET 477Interactive Media and Social Media

3 credits

DMET 478Introduction to Interactive 3D

3 credits

Interactive & Social Media Track:

DMET 318New Media Technologies

3 credits

DMET 355Advanced Web Design

3 credits

DMET 477Interactive Media and Social Media

3 credits

DMET 478Introduction to Interactive 3D

3 credits

and any one of:
DMET 305Intermediate Digital Photo

3 credits

DMET 310TV: Studio Production II

3 credits

DMET 315Electronic Field Production

3 credits

DMET 350Media Graphics and Designs

3 credits

DMET 405Commercial Photography

3 credits

DMET 410Advanced Digital Production

3 credits

DMET 464Digital Media and Technology Projects

Semester hours arranged

General Track:

Any five of:
DMET 305Intermediate Digital Photo

3 credits

DMET 310TV: Studio Production II

3 credits

DMET 315Electronic Field Production

3 credits

DMET 318New Media Technologies

3 credits

DMET 350Media Graphics and Designs

3 credits

DMET 355Advanced Web Design

3 credits

DMET 405Commercial Photography

3 credits

DMET 410Advanced Digital Production

3 credits

DMET 464Digital Media and Technology Projects

Semester hours arranged

DMET 477Interactive Media and Social Media

3 credits

DMET 478Introduction to Interactive 3D

3 credits

Additional requirements:

A 2.5 minimum GPA in all DMT courses. 

4 Year Curriculum Program Plan - General Track

(Subject to change by the university without notice)

Freshman Year


DMET 105Introduction to Digital Photography

3 credits

DMET 140Media Theories and Practices

3 credits

DMET 110Introduction to Motion Media

3 credits

GenEd ____General Education elective

3 credits

GenEd ____General Education elective

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:15


DMET 160Introduction to Multimedia

3 credits

DMET 210Television: Studio Production

3 credits

DMET 230Sound Recording

3 credits

GenEd ____General Education elective

3 credits

GenEd ____General Education elective

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:15

Sophomore Year


DMET 315Electronic Field Production

3 credits

DMET 255Desktop Publishing for Graphics & Web

3 credits

GenEd ____General Education elective

3 credits

GenEd ____General Education elective

3 credits

GenEd ____General Education elective

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:15


DMET 375Imaging Technology

3 credits

GenEd ____General Education elective

3 credits

GenEd ____General Education elective

3 credits

GenEd ____General Education elective

3 credits

XXXX ___Elective

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:15

Junior Year


DMET 440Law and Ethics In Media

3 credits

GenEd ____General Education elective

3 credits

GenEd ____General Education elective

3 credits

Two advanced DMET courses:
DMET 305Intermediate Digital Photo

3 credits

DMET 310TV: Studio Production II

3 credits

DMET 350Media Graphics and Designs

3 credits

DMET 355Advanced Web Design

3 credits

DMET 464Digital Media and Technology Projects

Semester hours arranged

DMET 477Interactive Media and Social Media

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:15


GenEd ____General Education elective

3 credits

GenEd ____General Education elective

3 credits

Three advanced DMET courses:
DMET 305Intermediate Digital Photo

3 credits

DMET 310TV: Studio Production II

3 credits

DMET 350Media Graphics and Designs

3 credits

DMET 355Advanced Web Design

3 credits

DMET 464Digital Media and Technology Projects

Semester hours arranged

DMET 477Interactive Media and Social Media

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:15

Senior Year


DMET 495Seminar in Digital Media Technologies

3 credits

GenEd ____General Education elective

3 credits

Advanced Writing Course

3 credits

XXXX ___Elective

3 credits

Two advanced DMET courses:
DMET 305Intermediate Digital Photo

3 credits

DMET 310TV: Studio Production II

3 credits

DMET 350Media Graphics and Designs

3 credits

DMET 355Advanced Web Design

3 credits

DMET 464Digital Media and Technology Projects

Semester hours arranged

DMET 477Interactive Media and Social Media

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:18


DMET 486Field Experiences and Internship (Semester hours arranged)

1 - 18 credits

Total Credit Hours:12

Total Credit Hours: 120

For more information, contact the department at 570-422-3763 or email Richard Otto at