The organizations that comprise the fraternity and sorority system provide a wide variety of educational, social, academic, philanthropic and leadership activities, events and programs for ESU students.
All ESU Greek organizations strive to excel in all areas of student life including: academics, community service, leadership, social and personal development. Being “Greek” provides a unique, diverse experience where students learn teamwork, time management, financial and organizational skills, and the importance of friendship and social responsibility that will help them as they become alumni and enter “the real world.” Fraternity and sorority members are actively involved in extracurricular activities at ESU including intercollegiate athletics, club sports, and Recreation Center Leagues.
The ESU fraternities and sororities are self-governing and work together to benefit and support the university and the surrounding community. The Interfraternity Council (IFC) and College Panhellenic Council (CPH) are the governing bodies that represent all fraternal organizations at ESU and provide cultural, social and educational programs and events for the ESU student community. At the beginning of each semester, fraternities and sororities conduct recruitment events for the purpose of selecting new members.
To be eligible for membership in a fraternity or sorority at ESU a student must be at least a second-semester freshman, enrolled in at least twelve credits, and have a minimum of a 2.5 Cumulative Quality Point Average (transfer students must have completed at least twelve credits at ESU and have a minimum of a 2.5 Cumulative Quality Point Average). For a list of recognized fraternities or sororities eligible to extend invitations to membership contact the Coordinator of Greek Life/Student Volunteer Services at 570-422-3775