Health Services strongly recommends that students submit the Report of Medical History form, which includes immunization history prior to entrance to the university. The form can be downloaded from the Health Services website or New Student Portal. There are many areas of study that will require this information including education, the health sciences (such as nursing, psychology, speech and hearing, athletic training, and exercise science), and many internships and academic placements. Health Services recommends that students gather this information and submit it to avoid postponements in class schedules.

The university employs registered nurses and physicians for student health care needs. The services provided include educational programs, diagnostic services and medical care for minor illnesses and injuries. Chronic conditions or major problems are referred to the student’s personal physician or to a local physician specialist; serious accidents are referred to Pocono Medical Center. In cases where referral is necessary to either the student’s physician, a physician specialist, to a hospital or other medical facility, the costs incurred must be borne by the student. Fees for any medical treatment provided away from the health center and for diagnostic testing, which includes lab tests, X-rays, etc., are the responsibility of the student.

The Flagler-Metzgar Health Center maintains a formulary where many routine prescription medications are available when ordered by a health center physician. Students are encouraged to have some funds available on their E-card to cover elective services and prescription medications which are kept at nominal fees. Special prescriptions are also written when needed; however, costs must be borne by the student at local pharmacies. A self-care area with over-the-counter medications and supplies is also available at no additional fee.

Pennsylvania law requires all students residing in university owned housing to have received the meningitis vaccination or be informed of the risks and benefits of the vaccine. This is to be completed when submitting the housing application.

The health center is closed on weekends, holidays, and breaks when classes are not in session.

Health Center Hours:

Fall and Spring Semesters

Monday and Tuesday

8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Wednesday and Thursday

8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.


8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Summer Sessions

Monday through Friday

8 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.