18 Credits

Program Features

Required courses:

SOC 102GE: Introduction to Cultural Diversity

3 credits

SOC 111GE: Introduction to Sociology

3 credits

SOC 255Sociological Inquiry

3 credits

SOC 370Sociological Theory

3 credits

Additional requirements:

6 credits of Sociology electives. Eligible courses include:

SOC 201GE: The Comparison of Societies

3 credits

SOC 231GE: Marriage and Family

3 credits

SOC 241GE: Contemporary Social Problems

3 credits

SOC 290Special Topics:

(Semester hours arranged)

SOC 331Human Behavior and the Social Environment

3 credits

SOC 341GE: Criminology

3 credits

SOC 342GE: Juvenile Delinquency

3 credits

SOC 343GE: Racial and Cultural Minorities

3 credits

SOC 344Social Deviance

3 credits

SOC 372Sociology of Religion

3 credits

SOC 374Political Sociology

3 credits

SOC 377GE: WS: Sociology of Women

3 credits

Of these, no more than one can be taken below the 300 level.