Psychology B.A.
This degree program is generalized and flexible. In addition to providing a good foundation of basic knowledge about psychological processes, it allows students the flexibility to explore several of the diverse topics in Psychology or concentrate several courses in one specific area.
Program Features
34-35 credits
Required courses:
PSY 101 | GE: Introduction to Psychology | 3 credits |
PSY 201 | Quantitative Psychology | 3 credits |
PSY 202 | Experimental Psychology | 3 credits |
PSY 311 | Physiological Psych | 4 credits |
PSY 321 | Theories Of Personality | 3 credits |
PSY 410 | Perspectives in Psychology | 3 credits |
one of:
PSY 302 | Theories Of Learning | 3 credits |
PSY 401 | History Of Psychology | 3 credits |
and nine additional credits in Psychology.
Co-requisite course:
BIOL 111 | GE: Human Anatomy and Physiology I | 4 credits |
Additional Requirements:
- “C” or better in all Psychology courses (all Psychology used for this major). The last fifteen credits of Psychology courses required for this program including all 300 and 400 level Psychology courses, must be taken at East Stroudsburg University.
- Also, please read university requirements found in this catalog.
Program Curriculum Plan
(Subject to change by the university without notice )
Freshman Year
PSY 100 | GE: General Psychology | 3 credits |
ENGL 103 | English Composition | 3 credits |
| General Education Elective | 3 credits |
| General Education Elective | 3 credits |
| General Education Elective | 3 credits |
| Total Credit Hours: | 15 |
PSY 201 | Quantitative Psychology | 3 credits |
| General Education Elective | 3 credits |
| General Education Elective | 3 credits |
| General Education Elective | 3 credits |
| General Education Elective | 3 credits |
| Total Credit Hours: | 15 |
Sophomore Year
PSY 202 | Experimental Psychology | 3 credits |
PSY 321 | Theories Of Personality | 3 credits |
| General Education Elective | 3 credits |
| General Education Elective | 3 credits |
| General Education Elective | 3 credits |
| Fitness Elective | 1 credit |
| Total Credit Hours: | 16 |
| Psychology Specialty Course | 3 credits |
| Psychology Specialty Course | 3 credits |
| General Education Elective | 3 credits |
| General Education Elective | 3 credits |
| General Education Elective | 3 credits |
| Total Credit Hours: | 15 |
Junior Year
| Psychology Elective | 3 credits |
| Psychology Elective | 3 credits |
| Upper Division Elective | 3 credits |
| General Education Elective | 3 credits |
| Fitness Elective | 1 credit |
(select one)
BIOL 105 | GE: General Biology | 3 credits |
BIOL 111 | GE: Human Anatomy and Physiology I | 4 credits |
BIOL 114 | GE: Introductory Biology I | 4 credits |
CHEM 115 | GE: Chemistry, Molecules and Life | 3 credits |
| Total Credit Hours: | 16 |
| Psychology Elective | 3 credits |
| Psychology Elective | 3 credits |
| Psychology Elective | 3 credits |
| Upper Division Elective | 3 credits |
| Upper Division Elective | 3 credits |
| Total Credit Hours: | 14 |
Senior Year
PSY 311 | Physiological Psych | 4 credits |
| Psychology or Upper-Division Elective | 3 credits |
| Psychology or Upper-Division Elective | 3 credits |
| Psychology or Upper-Division Elective | 3 credits |
| Psychology or Upper-Division Elective | 3 credits |
| Total Credit Hours: | 16 |
PSY 410 | Perspectives in Psychology | 3 credits |
| Psychology or Upper-Division Elective | 3 credits |
| Psychology or Upper-Division Elective | 3 credits |
| Psychology or Upper-Division Elective | 3 credits |
| Total Credit Hours: | 12 |
Total Credit Hours: 120