Politics and Government Concentration (18 semester hours)

Required courses:

POLS 111GE: Principles of Political Science

3 credits

Twelve additional credits of POLS 200 level and above classes

At least six of these credits must be 300 and/or 400 level courses.

Pre-Law Concentration (18 semester hours)

Required courses:

POLS 111GE: Principles of Political Science

3 credits

choose two:

POLS 313GE: Courts and the Judicial Process

3 credits

POLS 413American Constitutional Law

3 credits

POLS 416Administrative Law

3 credits

POLS 445International Law and Organization

3 credits

Six additional credits of POLS 200 level or above.


ENGL 162GE: Introduction to Literary Analysis and Interpretation

3 credits

Choose one (3 credits):

PHIL 221GE: Logic I

3 credits

MATH 100GE: Numbers Sets & Structures

3 credits

MATH 101GE: Excursions in Mathematics

3 credits

MATH 110GE: General Statistics

3 credits

MATH 130GE: Applied Algebraic Methods

3 credits

MGT 211Financial Accounting Fundamentals

3 credits

Choose one (3 credits):

CMST 253GE: Public Speaking

3 credits

THTR 102GE: Acting

3 credits

European Studies Concentration (18 semester hours)

Required courses:

HIST 272GE: Modern Europe 1914-1990

3 credits

three of the following:

POLS 332GE: Comparative European Government

3 credits

POLS 399European Union Studies

3 credits

POLS 427European Union and External Relations

3 credits

POLS 445International Law and Organization

3 credits

POLS 453Modern Western Political Theory

3 credits

two of the following:

HIST 371Medieval and Renaissance Europe, 500-1500

3 credits

HIST 382GE: Modern Britain

3 credits

HIST 473Modern Germany

3 credits

PHIL 318Schopenhauer Kierkegaard Nietz

3 credits

PHIL 353Medieval Philosophy

3 credits

PHIL 356Rationalists of the 17th and 18th Centuries

3 credits

PHIL 357Empiricists of the 17th and 18th Centuries

3 credits

PHIL 418Phenomenology and Existentialism

3 credits

MLSP 444Cultural History of Spain

3 credits

MLFR 343French Civilization I

3 credits

MUS 211GE: Music of the Renaissance and Baroque Era

3 credits

MUS 311GE: Music of the Classical and Romantic Era

3 credits

or any of the courses in the POLS section not taken for the Political Science requirement for the minor. Nine credits must be at the 300/400 level.

For more information, contact the department at 570-422-3286 or visit Stroud Hall, Room 409 570-422-3286 www.esu.edu/pols.