Gerontology Interdisciplinary Program

Program Features

21 credits

Required courses:

(select 3)


BIOL 520Biology Of Aging

3 credits


PSY 225GE: Lifespan Developmental Psychology

3 credits

SOC 331Human Behavior and the Social Environment

3 credits

A six semester hour internship in gerontology related to the student's major


(select 2)

HLTH 340Nutrition for Healthful Living

3 credits

HLTH 432Death and Dying

3 credits


HLTH 444Health Promotion Programs and Aging

3 credits


HLTH 544Health Promotion Programs and Aging

3 credits


HLTH 530Nutrition Life Span

3 credits

HLTH 532Death And Dying Education

3 credits

EXSC 445Seminar in Adult Fitness Programs

3 credits

EXSC 560Physical Activity Across the Lifespan

3 credits

NURS 304Gerontological Nursing

2 credits

RECR 261Leisure and Aging

3 credits

SPPA 321Communication and Aging

3 credits

Additional requirements: