Every undergraduate student who is seeking a first bachelor’s degree must demonstrate a basic level of competency in mathematics as a condition for continuing enrollment at East Stroudsburg University. Because the skills that a student demonstrates by satisfying this competency requirement are essential for a successful undergraduate experience, including satisfactory completion of collegiate level mathematics and quantitative reasoning based requirements, the university requires that students demonstrate these skills early in their university attendance.

Under no circumstances will a student graduate without having met this requirement. Following are means for meeting this requirement and a summary of the university’s developmental approach to students who fail to meet this requirement in a timely fashion.

Means for Demonstrating Basic Mathematical Skills Competency

This competency may be demonstrated in any of the following ways:

  1. A Math SAT score of 500 or higher;
  2. A Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) ranking of Proficient or Advanced on the Grade 11 Mathematics Exam;
  3. A grade of 3 or higher in an AP Calculus or Statistics test;
  4. A passing score on the “College Mathematics” CLEP test;
  5. A grade of “C” or better in a mathematics transfer course that is applicable toward satisfying the East Stroudsburg University general education requirement in Science: Mathematics, and which was taken within five years of the date of admission;
  6. A passing score on the ESU Basic Mathematics Competency Exam (Note: This exam may be attempted up to three times); or
  7. A passing score on the ESU course MATH 090 Intermediate Algebra (for which the ESU Basic Mathematics Competency Exam is the final examination).

Criteria 1-5 above will satisfy competency only if completed within five years prior to the date of matriculation to East Stroudsburg University.

If students have not satisfied the requirement based on SAT, AP or CLEP scores, PSSA ranking, or transfer credit, they will have an opportunity to take the Basic Mathematics Competency Exam during the summer orientation program. If students have not satisfied the competency requirement before the beginning of the first full-time semester, they should attempt the exam during the first semester of attendance. The exam is given during each semester for students who do not attend orientation or who fail the test during orientation.

Developmental Approach

Entering full-time students and full-time transfer students with fewer than 45 credits who have not satisfied the competency requirement will not be allowed to register or enroll in a third semester until they have formulated a plan for satisfying the requirement and had that plan approved by an appropriate academic authority (see Plans below).

If, by the end of the third semester of attendance, students still have not satisfied this requirement, they will be allowed to register and enroll in the next semester only if the course MATH 090 is included in their schedules.

If, by the end of this fourth semester, students still have not satisfied this requirement, they will be permitted to register and enroll in ONLY MATH 090 until this requirement is met. See the requirements under Entering and Transfer Students with Fewer Than 45 Credits Who Have Not Satisfied the Basic Mathematical Skills Competence Requirement, below.

Students starting at ESU with 45 or more credits (as well as continuing and readmitted ESU students under previous catalogs) who have not satisfied the competency requirement will not be allowed to register or enroll in a second semester until they have formulated a plan for satisfying the requirement and had that plan approved by an appropriate academic authority (see Plans below).

If, by the end of the second semester of attendance, students still have not satisfied this requirement, they will be allowed to register and enroll in the next semester only if the course MATH 090 is included in their schedules.

If, by the end of this third semester, students still have not satisfied this requirement, they will be permitted to register and enroll in ONLY MATH 090 until this requirement is met.

See the requirements, below, under Students Transferring to ESU with 45 or More Credits, Readmitted Students, and Students Continuing under Previous Catalog Students.

Plans: Information concerning the process for requesting approval of a plan will be available from the Student Enrollment Center and the Department of Mathematics. University pre-approved model plans written in contract form are available from the student’s academic adviser.

Entering and transfer students with fewer than 45 credits who have not satisfied the Basic Mathematical Skills Competency Requirement:

First ESU Semester: Academic advisers review the math competency requirement with students who have not satisfied it and together they formulate a plan to satisfy the requirement no later than the end of the second semester.

Second ESU Semester: Students receive a letter notifying them that a “hold” has been placed on their registration. Students must formulate a plan for satisfying the requirement. The plan must be approved by the appropriate academic authority before the registration “hold” will be released.

Third ESU Semester: Students receive a letter notifying them that a “hold” has been placed on their registration. Students must include MATH 090 in their next semester’s schedule and submit their schedules to the appropriate academic authority before the registration “hold” will be released.

Fourth ESU Semester: Students receive a letter notifying them that a “hold” has been placed on their registration. Students may enroll only in MATH 090 in the next semester. Schedules must be approved by the appropriate academic authority.

Students transferring to ESU with 45 or more credits, readmitted students, and students continuing under previous catalogs who have not satisfied the Basic Mathematical Skills Competency Requirement:

First ESU Semester for Transfers/ First Semester Policy in Effect for Readmitted and Continuing Students: Students receive a letter notifying them that a “hold” has been placed on their registration. Students must formulate a plan for satisfying the requirement. The plan must be approved by the appropriate academic authority before the registration “hold” will be released.

Second ESU Semester for Transfers: Students receive a letter notifying them that a “hold” has been placed on their registration. Students must include MATH 090 in their next semester’s schedule and submit their schedules to the appropriate academic authority before the registration “hold” will be released.

Third ESU Semester for Transfers : Students receive a letter notifying them that a “hold” has been placed on their registration. Students may enroll only in MATH 090 in the next semester. Schedules must be approved by the appropriate academic authority.