Orientation is the most important summer program that assists incoming, fall-semester students and their parents in transitioning to the university experience. Academic information and placement testing, university success strategies, informal discussions with faculty members, administration, staff members, and student leaders, various presentations about university resources, interactive activities, entertainment, along with the opportunity to stay overnight and experience residence hall living, all assist in developing a comfort level that can be gained only by participation in orientation. Meeting and getting to know other incoming students and parents is also an integral part of university enculturation.

Multiple orientation sessions are scheduled each summer. Each two-day session is held Monday-Tuesday or Thursday-Friday, on specific dates in June and July. New transfer students have the option of participating in a one-day orientation in July that specifically addresses transfer issues. The student orientation leaders serve as mentors for new students during their first fall semester at the university. Students who enter the university in the spring semester participate in a one-day orientation program in January. For further information, visit 403 Normal Street or call at 570-422-2862.