Program Features
39 semester hours
Students must complete the Core Curriculum and the specified courses within one of four different tracks.
Core Curriculum:
(18 semester hours)
CMST 111 | GE: Speech Communication | 3 credits |
CMST 126 | GE: Introduction to Mass Media | 3 credits |
CMST 250 | Analysis of Comm Theory | 3 credits |
CMST 310 | Intercultural Communication | 3 credits |
CMST 365 | Communication Research | 3 credits |
CMST 495 | Seminar in Communication Studies | 3 credits |
Track I. Broadcasting:
(21 semester hours)
CMST 219 | Radio Practicum | 1.5 credits |
| Or | |
DMET 210 | Television: Studio Production | 3 credits |
| | |
CMST 229 | Broadcast Journalism | 3 credits |
CMST 315 | Voice For Broadcasting | 3 credits |
| | |
CMST 410 | Comparative Media | 3 credits |
| Or | |
CMST 440 | Ethical and Legal Issues in Broadcasting | 3 credits |
| | |
CMST 486 | Field Experience & Internship | 1 - 18 credits |
CMST 219: (taken twice for a total of three semester hours)
and six semester hours chosen from the following:
CMST 337 | Broadcast Management | 3 credits |
CMST 342 | Popular Music as Cultural Text | 3 credits |
CMST 348 | GE: Media Criticism | 3 credits |
CMST 364 | GE: Studies in Television Genre | 3 credits |
CMST 410 | Comparative Media | 3 credits |
CMST 440 | Ethical and Legal Issues in Broadcasting | 3 credits |
(either CMST 410 or CMST 440 can be taken as an elective if the other is chosen as a required course).
Track II. Media Studies:
(21 semester hours)
CMST 136 | GE: Popular Culture and Communication | 3 credits |
CMST 163 | GE: Introduction to Film Study | 3 credits |
CMST 348 | GE: Media Criticism | 3 credits |
CMST 367 | Advertising and Propaganda | 3 credits |
and nine semester hours chosen from the following:
CMST 307 | GE: Art and History of Film | 3 credits |
CMST 342 | Popular Music as Cultural Text | 3 credits |
CMST 364 | GE: Studies in Television Genre | 3 credits |
CMST 370 | GE: Film Genres | 3 credits |
CMST 410 | Comparative Media | 3 credits |
CMST 486 | Field Experience & Internship | 1 - 18 credits |
Track III. Speech Communication:
(21 semester hours)
CMST 253 | GE: Public Speaking | 3 credits |
CMST 329 | GE: Rhetorical Perspectives | 3 credits |
six semester hours chosen from the following:
CMST 220 | GE: WS: Gender Differences and Human Communication | 3 credits |
CMST 230 | GE: Small Group Communication | 3 credits |
CMST 235 | GE: Interpersonal Communication | 3 credits |
and nine semester hours chosen from the following:
CMST 331 | GE: Advanced Public Speaking | 3 credits |
CMST 333 | GE: Argumentation and Persuasion | 3 credits |
CMST 350 | Organizational Communication | 3 credits |
CMST 367 | Advertising and Propaganda | 3 credits |
CMST 415 | Genres Of Rhetoric | 3 credits |
CMST 429 | Criticism of Rhetoric and Public Address | 3 credits |
CMST 465 | Scapegoats and Witchhunts | 3 credits |
CMST 486 | Field Experience & Internship | 1 - 18 credits |
Track IV. Public Relations:
(21 semester hours)
ENGL 205 | Workplace Writing | 3 credits |
| Or | |
ENGL 215 | News Reporting and Writing | 3 credits |
| | |
ENGL 305 | Professional Writing: Public Relations | 3 credits |
CMST 255 | Introduction to Public Relations | 3 credits |
CMST 355 | Public Relations Theory | 3 credits |
and nine semester hours selected from the following:
(no more than 3 semester hours from ENGL)
CMST 229 | Broadcast Journalism | 3 credits |
CMST 329 | GE: Rhetorical Perspectives | 3 credits |
CMST 350 | Organizational Communication | 3 credits |
CMST 367 | Advertising and Propaganda | 3 credits |
CMST 410 | Comparative Media | 3 credits |
CMST 440 | Ethical and Legal Issues in Broadcasting | 3 credits |
CMST 486 | Field Experience & Internship | 1 - 18 credits |
ENGL 306 | Professional Writing: Advertising | 3 credits |
ENGL 307 | Professional Writing: Website Writing and Design | 3 credits |
ENGL 315 | Multimedia Journalism | 3 credits |
ENGL 316 | Professional Writing: Magazine Journalism | 3 credits |
Residency Requirement:
The student’s final 18 semester hours in the major must be completed in residence.
Additional requirements:
Program Curriculum Plan
(Subject to change by the university without notice)
Freshman Year
CMST 111 | GE: Speech Communication | 3 credits |
| Or | |
CMST 126 | GE: Introduction to Mass Media | 3 credits |
| | |
ENGL 103 | English Composition | 3 credits |
| General Education Elective - Natural Science | 3 credits |
| General Education Elective - Social Science | 3 credits |
| Elective | 3 credits |
| Total Credit Hours: | 15 |
CMST 111 | GE: Speech Communication | 3 credits |
| Or | |
CMST 126 | GE: Introduction to Mass Media | 3 credits |
| | |
| General Education Elective - Humanities | 3 credits |
| General Education Elective - Natural Science | 3 credits |
| General Education Elective - Social Science | 3 credits |
| Elective | 3 credits |
| Total Credit Hours: | 15 |
Sophomore Year
CMST 250 | Analysis of Comm Theory | 3 credits |
| Required Course in CMST Track | 3 credits |
| General Education Elective - Natural Science | 3 credits |
| General Education Elective - Humanities | 3 credits |
| Elective | 3 credits |
| Total Credit Hours: | 15 |
CMST 310 | Intercultural Communication | 3 credits |
| Required Course in CMST Track | 3 credits |
| General Education Elective - Natural Science | 3 credits |
| General Education Elective - Social Science | 3 credits |
| Elective | 3 credits |
| Fitness Courses(s) | 2 credits |
| Total Credit Hours: | 17 |
Junior Year
CMST 365 | Communication Research | 3 credits |
| Or | |
| 300-400 Track Elective | 3 credits |
| | |
| Required Course in CMST Track | 3 credits |
| General Education Elective - Natural Science | 3 credits |
| General Education Elective - Social Science | 3 credits |
| Elective | 3 credits |
| Total Credit Hours: | 15 |
CMST 365 | Communication Research | 3 credits |
| Or | |
| 300-400 Track Elective | 3 credits |
| | |
| Required Course in CMST Track | 3 credits |
| General Education Elective - Humanities | 3 credits |
| General Education Elective - Social Science | 3 credits |
| Elective | 3 credits |
| Total Credit Hours: | 15 |
Senior Year
CMST 495 | Seminar in Communication Studies | 3 credits |
| Or | |
| 300-400 level Track Elective | 3 credits |
| | |
| 300-400 level Track Elective | 3 credits |
| Elective | 3 credits |
| Elective | 3 credits |
| Elective | 3 credits |
| Total Credit Hours: | 15 |
CMST 495 | Seminar in Communication Studies | 3 credits |
| Or | |
| 300-400 level Track Elective | 3 credits |
| | |
| 300-400 level Track Elective | 3 credits |
| Elective | 3 credits |
| Elective | 3 credits |
| Elective | 3 credits |
| Total Credit Hours: | 15 |
Total Credit Hours: 122
For more information, contact the department at 570-422-3694 or visit