Coordinator: Professor Paul Wilson

Program Features

74-84 semester hours

Required courses:

BIOL 114GE: Introductory Biology I

0 - 4 credits

BIOL 115GE: Introductory Biology II

0 - 4 credits

BIOL 210GE:Environmental Biology

3 credits

BIOL 463Conservation Biology

4 credits

BIOL 484Environmental Studies Field Experience and Internship

3 - 15 credits

BIOL 497Environmental Studies Seminar

1 credits

two of the following

BIOL 200General Ecology

0 - 3 credits

BIOL 220Field Botany

3 credits

BIOL 221Field Zoology

3 credits

five additional courses in a single discipline numbered 300 or higher

approved by the adviser.

Co-requisite courses:

CHEM 108GE: Environmental Chemistry

3 credits


CHEM 121GE: General Chemistry I

3 credits

CHEM 123GE: General Chemistry I Lab

1 credits


CPSC 101GE: Personal Computers and Their Uses in the Sciences

3 credits

MATH 110GE: General Statistics

3 credits


PHYS 117GE: Energy

3 credits


PHYS 118GE: Solar Energy

3 credits


GEOG 120GE: Physical Geography

3 credits

GEOG 121GE: Physical Geology

3 credits

CMST 111GE: Speech Communication

3 credits

ENGL 177GE: Environmental Lit

3 credits

POLS 211GE: American Government

3 credits

POLS 314GE: State and Local Government

3 credits

HLTH 230Community Health

3 credits

Required quality point average:

2.25 or greater for courses in Biological Sciences.

Additional requirements:

Program Curriculum Plan

(Subject to change by the university without notice)

Freshman Year


BIOL 114GE: Introductory Biology I

0 - 4 credits


CHEM 108GE: Environmental Chemistry

3 credits


CHEM 121GE: General Chemistry I

3 credits


CHEM 123GE: General Chemistry I Lab

1 credits


ENGL 103English Composition

3 credits

GEOG 120GE: Physical Geography

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:13-14


BIOL 115GE: Introductory Biology II

0 - 4 credits

BIOL 210GE:Environmental Biology

3 credits

MATH 110GE: General Statistics

3 credits

Fitness Elective

1 credit


PHYS 117GE: Energy

3 credits


PHYS 118GE: Solar Energy

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:14

Sophomore Year


BIOL 200General Ecology

0 - 3 credits


BIOL 221Field Zoology

3 credits


CMST 111GE: Speech Communication

3 credits

ENGL 177GE: Environmental Lit

3 credits

Foreign Language

3 credits

General Education Elective - Humanities

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:15


BIOL 200General Ecology

0 - 3 credits


BIOL 221Field Zoology

3 credits


General Education Elective - Social Science

3 credits

Biology Elective (Upper-Division)

3-4 credits

POLS 211GE: American Government

3 credits

General Education Elective - Humanities

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:15-16

Junior Year


Biology Elective (Upper-Division)

3-4 credits

General Education Elective - Humanities

3 credits

General Education Elective - Social Science

3 credits

POLS 314GE: State and Local Government

3 credits

Free Elective

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:15-16


BIOL 484Environmental Studies Field Experience and Internship

3 - 15 credits

General Education Elective - Social Science

3 credits

Fitness Elective

1 credit

Total Credit Hours:7-14

Senior Year


Biology Elective (Upper-Division)

3-4 credits

Biology Elective (Upper-Division)

3-4 credits

BIOL 497Environmental Studies Seminar

1 credits

Free Elective

3 credits

GEOG 121GE: Physical Geology

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:13-15


Biology Elective (Upper-Division)

3-4 credits

BIOL 463Conservation Biology

4 credits

HLTH 230Community Health

3 credits

Free Elective

3 credits

Free Elective

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:16-17

Total Credit Hours: 109