33-37 credits

Purpose of Degree

The intent of the Master of Science degree program in Management and Leadership is to provide graduate level instruction to enhance the management, leadership and decision-making abilities of graduates of the program, in preparation for the dynamic, technology-driven work force in the private, public, and non-profit sectors.

The Master of Science in Management and Leadership offers graduate level instruction based on theory while providing opportunities to apply competencies in practical settings. The program is committed to developing competent managers and leaders capable of excelling in the constantly changing business environment that surrounds today’s private marketplace and public sector.

Student Learning Outcomes

Students graduating from the M.S. in Management and Leadership program will be able to:

  1. Comprehend leadership models and theories and apply them to professional practice.
  2. Understand the group dynamics of professional organizations and utilize leadership skills to set and achieve organizational goals.
  3. Competently manage in a dynamic, technology driven economic environment.
  4. Examine issues that relate to achieving business excellence, valuing human diversity, effecting change, using technology, and demonstrating social responsibility.
  5. Demonstrate managerial competencies associated with managing employees, facilitating groups and communicating effectively.
  6. Apply management skills and theory through a culminating experience.

Program of Study

Based on the student learning outcomes established above, the following coursework was established for fulfillment of the common area requirements. All students must complete the common area requirements.

Due to the unique structure of the program, in addition to completion of the common area, students can choose to complete the curriculum requirements established by each of the different departments involved in the proposal. The curriculum consists of 33 to 37 credit hours including a common area of study in management and leadership philosophy and techniques.

The program offers students concentrations in the following areas:

  1. Sport Management
  2. Public Administration

Common Areas Of Study

MGT 501Organizational Behavior

3 credits

MGT 502Organizational Strategy

3 credits

MGT 503Organizational Leadership

3 credits

MGT 504Organizational Control Systems

3 credits

Research Methods (Select ONE of the following):

SMGT 570Introduction to Research

3 credits

POLS 570Intro To Research

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:15

Individual Areas of Concentration

Sport Management

Required Courses
SMGT 547Sports Business & Finance

3 credits

SMGT 548Sports Marketing

3 credits

SMGT 549Sports and the Law

3 credits

SMGT 586Field Experience & Internship

3 - 12 credits

Elective Courses (Select one)
SMGT 546Plan & Mgmt Sport Facilities

3 credits

SMGT 550Sport Personnel Management

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:19-22

Public Administration

Required Courses
POLS 501Public Admin:Theory,Scope&Meth

3 credits

POLS 537Public Administration

3 credits

POLS 566Budgeting & Finance

3 credits

POLS 567Public Personnel Admin

3 credits

POLS 586Field Exper & Intern

1 - 6 credits

Electives - 3-6 credits

Electives may be selected from graduate courses offered through the Departments of Political Science, Business Management, or Economics.

Comprehensive Exam
Students must pass a comprehensive examination during the final semester of study.

Students with one or more years managerial experience or currently employed in a full-time managerial position, may substitute an elective for the internship. Prior permission is required, and must be approved on the plan of study.

Admissions Requirements and Deadlines

Undergraduate Prerequisite Coursework or Competencies

Applicants are expected to possess a common body of knowledge essential for advanced study in management and leadership. This body of knowledge typically includes undergraduate coursework or life experience contributing to a foundation of knowledge in the following areas: marketing, law, management fundamentals, finance/economics, and computer applications. Applicants with an undergraduate degree in business or management will likely have taken coursework-providing competencies in these areas. Applicants with non-business undergraduate degrees will usually lack at least some of these competencies, and therefore, will need to satisfy them through alternative means, including but not limited to:

  • Submission of a portfolio/dossier, including an updated vita or demonstration of work product generated during the course of employment and/or other professional experiences,
  • Successful completion of undergraduate coursework. (Note: The faculty intend to work toward offering coursework to satisfy these competencies via alternative delivery methods), or
  • Passing the relevant graduate level coursework with a grade of "B" or higher.

The alternative means described above for satisfying the prerequisite requirements are typical for programs in the management area.

Application Deadline

Applicants for admission are strongly encouraged to apply by March 15 before the academic year for which they are seeking admission.

Time for Degree Completion

Students enrolling in the program on a full-time basis will have an opportunity to complete the required common area and co-requisite area coursework within a full academic year and, depending on their internship and other program requirements, will typically complete all their degree requirements in three full semesters.

Graduate Assistantships

The M.S. in Management and Leadership program offers a variety of graduate assistantships. These are awarded based upon merit and achievement to full-time students in the graduate program. Graduate assistants do not teach classes, but complete projects and tasks assigned by professors.

The graduate assistantship is awarded for the first year of full-time study, with the possibility of extension through the first summer. Prospective students should apply for a graduate assistantship at the time of application to the program, using the application form online. Graduate Assistants have positions across the campus, including, but not limited to, the Department of Intercollegiate Athletics, Office of Admission, Student Enrollment Center, and the Graduate College Office.

For more information, contact: Dr. Paula Parker, at 570-422-3874 or at pparker@esu.edu.