Students are encouraged to sign up for direct deposit. Otherwise, a check will be issued.


A student who officially withdraws before the beginning of any semester is eligible for a complete refund of all fees EXCEPT the application fee and registration and room deposits. (Please refer to refund policies that pertain to housing and meal refunds, if applicable.)

A student who completely withdraws from the university after the beginning of a semester and who submits to Student Enrollment Center an officially approved withdrawal form is entitled to a refund of tuition according to the schedule below. (Subject to change by the university without notice.)

Refund Period of Attendance
100 percent First week
80 percent Second week
60 percent Third week
50 percent Fourth week
40 percent Fifth week
No refund after fifth week


A student who officially withdraws completely from the university BEFORE the beginning of any semester is eligible to receive a full refund of housing fees, but must forfeit the housing deposit.

A student who officially withdraws completely from the university DURING the semester will forfeit the housing deposit but is entitled to receive a pro-rated refund of housing fees, based upon a weekly scale.

The Housing Office will determine if any refund of housing fees is possible for a student who leaves university housing for medical reasons. If a student is asked to leave university housing, the details concerning a housing refund shall be determined by the Director of Housing.


A student who officially withdraws after the beginning of a semester and who notifies the Student Enrollment Center will be entitled to a refund of the board paid for the remainder of the semester. A student who withdraws during a week will be charged for the entire week.

Summer Session

A refund of fees for a student who withdraws after the beginning of a summer session will be determined by the proportion of the term attended and will be prorated on the basis of the refund policy in effect for a regular session. It is the student's responsibility to submit withdrawal requests within the allotted time period.